Monday, February 7, 2011

FDNY electrician finds noose in locker

In an AOL News article on the same story, it was mentioned that in 2005, "firefighter Lanaird Granger filed a complaint saying that he found a noose at a Brooklyn firehouse. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled in his favor. Nobody was ever disciplined in the case."

For all those who want to say that racism doesn't exist, what's this?

What bothers me is that incidents like this are ones that everyone can rally around; it's clear that this is wrong, and there aren't many people who would deny that this is in fact racist.  These crazy acts of hate give White people something to point at and say, "I do not agree with this, therefore I am not racist".  When there are such glaring examples of outright hatred, who's going to pay any attention to the subtle microaggressions and institutionalized oppression that occurs every day?

Answer: The people who have to live with it every day. The people who's lives are effected. The people who receive constant messages about who they are and what they can and cannot become. The people who can't afford to deny the existence of hidden, insidious racism.

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